Monday, September 11, 2023

The Supreme Court

After reading the Supreme court article from, I have a better

more well rounded idea of what the Supreme Court of the United States really is. This article is a strong synopsis of the Supreme Court system and its establishment of it in the late 1700s in the United States. One thing that I didn’t know before reading the article was the position of the President to nominate the supreme court justices and the U.S. Senate can confirm or deny the nominated justice’s seat on the court. The article covers many topics, for example the cases of Roe V. Wade and Mapp V. Ohio. Giving the reader an understanding of what kind of decisions the supreme court is trusted with, further ensuing the importance of who is nominated and elected to sit on the court. The article also covers many of the justices who have sat on the court in the past, John Marshall being one- who I am still trying to find some ancestry connection to, just trying to find a way to be a part of the history. Although there were many surprising things that I learned while reading, one surprising thing that was mentioned was the first decision made by the first set of six justices was on August 3, 1791 with the case of West V. Barnes, involving a financial dispute between a farmer and a family he owed debt to. One of the most important take away’s from the article is the true importance of the supreme court within our society. They are a vital part of the jurisdiction within our society and can make decisions that impact all of us. This was the most important takeaway, to me, and also it changed the way I viewed the supreme court. Before reading the article, I would not be up-to-date on the supreme court or pay attention in the news when they were talked about. But, now, I will be; and you should be too.

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