Monday, September 11, 2023

Maddie's Top 5 News Sources

 Apple News

Apple news is my number one News source today. Not only is Apple News at my fingertips at all times, it is also is custom to me. Every day it sends me notifications with top news stories that are recommended to me based on the preferences I filled out when first downloading the app.  But, do not be fooled, although you can fill out preferences of what you want to see, you can still see all news stories posted. It helps to push stories that most interest you, but it does not remove those that may not align perfected with your preferences so you can still check out any story you want. Apple News is reliable, informative, and convenient which is why I labelled it as my top news source. 


Although TikTok is not the most traditional place to get your news, it is a very helpful place to hear about those crazy news stories circulating around social media. As I am scrolling through make-up tutorials and "get ready with me" videos, it is a nice break to see a creator who updates people on what's going on in the real world. It is also a very affective way to get things out to all types of people. Not only is TikTok popular among the young people, but it has caught on to all generations. So the next time you want to see one of the top news stories circulating the internet, narrated to you by one of the many self-proclaimed news reporter- go right on over to TikTok.


CNN is another one of my go-to news sources. It has rapid updates throughout the day on breaking news stories regarding, politics, weather, entertainment, and all things in-between. There is an average of thirty posts per-day on the website, making in an up-to-date source but it isn't flooded with information you do not need. One benefit about CNN is that it covers a broad area of stories, making it something that everyone can find a story to agree with. CNN is a very widely known source, and I choose it because I was introduced to it at a young age, as they have a News channel for students called "CNN Student News" where they show important news stories that are censored in a way to be more appropriate fro kids, leaving out the gruesome details. 

The New York Times

The New York Times is an all time favorite. I have never met someone that did not use The New York Time's website for at least one class project. The website is easy to navigate and find what you're looking for. It also covers all types of news, from articles like "Top 10 Dinner Recipes for a Family of Five" to "Rescuers Reach Moroccan Villages in Mountains as Aid Trickles In." Everyone can find at least one article that they were looking for when visiting their website. One thing about the New York Times that is not consistent with my other three sources listed above, it is available in a paper copy. You can subscribe to have it delivered right to your door!

The Independent

The Independent is a local news paper to my hometown, South Kingstown in Rhode Island. The Independent was my number one news source when I lived at home. The writers would cover all of the hometown stories and a lot of times my friends and I would be featured, it felt like we were celebrities. It spans over three towns, Narraganset, South Kingstown, and North Kingstown- but in true Rhode Island fashion, we knew almost everyone featured. It was a fun way to see what was going on in other towns and also our own! From our High School's football schedule to the community beach clean-up, the Independent covers it all. To anyone looking to find out who some of their "Hometown Heroes" are, check out your local newspaper! 
My friends and I at our senior prom photographed in The Independent.

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