Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Blog #6 Anti-war

Anti-war in the Media

If someone were to ask you what your “go to” news source is, what would you say? Most people would say CNN, FoxNews, or a local news station. These news stations all have the tendency to produce bias information, but hey- thats just how it is. There is no controlling how bias journalists and reporters, even if they are suppose to be independent from opinions when reporting to the public. 

Most people haven’t even heard of anti-war publications, news sites, or even just seen this perspective on any mainstream media site. You may find yourself wondering, “why haven’t I heard of these or even seen them?” Well, normally you wouldn’t find these publications unless you are looking for them. Websites like and The American Conservative have writers with extreme point of views of anti-war. But, you don’t hear about them very often. In my opinion, this is most likely because they're voicing opinions that are not favored by our government in the United States. 

It is no secret that we do have freedom of speech but sometimes things get lost in the algorithm on social media. I think that is exactly what happens with these types of opinions, they just do not gain enough popularity because they're pushed down from the start. Although this anti-war doesn’t go directly against the government, it does express and extreme point of view that could cause an uproar. Views like this insight the idea of change, and that is something that the government has never been on board with. According to Micheal Kazin at the Dissent Magazine,

“a nationally advertised Spring Rising Anti-War Intervention drew only a few hundred demonstrators to the capital city and no coverage at all in either the mainstream media or the leftist press”. This further proves the idea that there is no coverage of the movements, online or in person. In order to find even just this information, I had to input a very specific google search and then continue to scroll until I found something that worked for me. It wasn't even a magazine I would normally find myself looking to either. I was looking for this information, and still struggled to find something that matched what I was looking for. This information is not just out there for the public to see, and that has become more obvious to me through my research. I challenge you to go to Google and try to find a mainstream media site talking about an anti-war point of view. Was it easy? Does it even exist?

There is no distinct reason that this media is not put out there, only speculation as to why. I could simply be that the websites don’t have enough traction and people do not put in the time to read them. Or maybe their viewpoints are so niche that people can not relate.

There, are a million possibilities- so what do you think the reason is?

Blog #5- YouTube

Learning Something New- YouTube

Did you know that YouTube was the first ever video sharing platform? Or that Facebook started out as a way for Harvards students to rank the girls of the incoming class? I sure did not. After watching and learning from presentations by my peers, I learned more about communications technologies than I ever could have guessed. 

Olie Perret-Gentil focussed her presentation on YouTube. This was particularly interesting to me because I have never known a time without YouTube, but it was only published in 2005. It is a very new technology but it grew so quickly that we would not even realize how fast it came to be. 

How It Started

It all began in 2004, Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim (as pictured) all knew each other from working at PayPal but did not know the impact they would have on our society. The three men were in San Francisco at a party when the idea came about, a way for people to make at home movies and publish them online. They wanted a way for people to easily find and share clips online, the average joe not just people with access fancy softwares or connections in the right place.

Jump forward to February 14th, 2005- it has began. YouTube was officially registered. The first video was published over a month later, with a title we would never see today - “Me At The Zoo”. By May, there was tens of thousands of viewers on the site every day. Come November, their views were increasing and YouTube was ready to be used by the public.

"Me at The Zoo" First ever YouTube Video


YouTube was a new way to share media, it wasn’t just photos or messages- it was picture and sound all at once. This platform opened up a whole new world of social media. To me, it opened up the new “influencer era” a time where people who put their lives online can also gain traction, similar to actors and musicians. Brands utilized these online faces to spread their products and expand their outreach. This platform is more than those three men could have ever imagined. It also has inspired other platforms like and TikTok, platforms based on sharing shorter videos and quick clips. YouTube has even expanded to the point of having “YouTube TV” a subscription based platform to stream shoes and movies. 

Social media is always evolving and YouTube is no exception to that. It can only make you think, without YouTube- would we have other video based social media like TikTok?

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Post #4- The Email

Electronic Mail

How it Started

The e-mail, or "electronic mail", is a technology that connects our world in so many ways, but it did not start that way. In 1971, Ray Tomlinson is credited for invented the program that we know today as the email. Tomlinson was working for ARPANET a government funded project that became the first public packet-switched computer network. The email was originally just a way for people within the same system to send messages back and fourth on computers. It was nothing like what it is today.  The reason Tomlinson began creating this program was because researchers and gamers needed a faster way to communicate. According to the Guinness World Records, the email was to replace having to make a phone call. Someone always had to be there to answer the phone, but the gaming community was not reliable to do so. The email made 
communication more attainable. Tomlinson is also credited for having created the famous “@” symbol. The symbol was used to separate the users name from their location. There has been a lot of change within the email since its creation over forty years ago, but the @ symbol has stayed consistent. Although, Tomlinson is not the only one up to be credited for this creation. In 1977, Dr. Shiva Auuadurai was fourteen-years-old and claims that he created the true first version of the e-mail. This is still a debate today, who set the groundwork for the e-mail we know to this day. 

The Impact

The impact of the email is more than we even realize today. Not only has it connected people across hemispheres, but it has evolved the way we work as a society. Although it may not all be positive as email marketing and phishing began in 1978, it has impacted our world in tremendous ways. Email marketing has created a way to communicate with several people, now thousands, at all once. Although most people see it more as a burden than a blessing these days, it is still a huge innovative step- to be able to send out the same communication to thousands of people at one instant. In 1993, AOL adopted the email, creating free addresses for all people initiating the coming of webmail. Webmail just means that the mail is sent from a web browser as opposed to a desktop computer. This terminology is just a way to classify where the email originates from.  

The email also opened the doors to online communities. The chatrooms that are a part of video games or group chats of likeminded people are all examples of the evolution of the email. This was a way for people who may not have even met face-to-face, to communicate and share their thoughts. This is a type of asynchronous communication became crucial in 2020. Once the pandemic hit, having this technology was a vital part of our societies survival.  It allowed for the workplace to continue, from home. It kept people connected, inspired future innovations, and allowed communication. You may not see it, but the email has shaped our society in so many ways. 

What would have happened if there was no email and one of those researchers had missed a call back in 1971, what could our society have missed out on without this technology?

Monday, September 11, 2023

The Supreme Court

After reading the Supreme court article from, I have a better

more well rounded idea of what the Supreme Court of the United States really is. This article is a strong synopsis of the Supreme Court system and its establishment of it in the late 1700s in the United States. One thing that I didn’t know before reading the article was the position of the President to nominate the supreme court justices and the U.S. Senate can confirm or deny the nominated justice’s seat on the court. The article covers many topics, for example the cases of Roe V. Wade and Mapp V. Ohio. Giving the reader an understanding of what kind of decisions the supreme court is trusted with, further ensuing the importance of who is nominated and elected to sit on the court. The article also covers many of the justices who have sat on the court in the past, John Marshall being one- who I am still trying to find some ancestry connection to, just trying to find a way to be a part of the history. Although there were many surprising things that I learned while reading, one surprising thing that was mentioned was the first decision made by the first set of six justices was on August 3, 1791 with the case of West V. Barnes, involving a financial dispute between a farmer and a family he owed debt to. One of the most important take away’s from the article is the true importance of the supreme court within our society. They are a vital part of the jurisdiction within our society and can make decisions that impact all of us. This was the most important takeaway, to me, and also it changed the way I viewed the supreme court. Before reading the article, I would not be up-to-date on the supreme court or pay attention in the news when they were talked about. But, now, I will be; and you should be too.

The Eight Values of Free Expression


The United States is based on the ideals of freedom. Freedom of expression is something we, as citizens of the United States, hold near and dear to our hearts. The eight values of free expression are Marketplace of Ideas (Discovery of Truth), Participation in Self-Government, Stable Change (Safety Valve), Individual Fulfillment (Self-Actualization), Watchdog Role, Promote Tolerance, Promote Innovation, and Protect Dissent. All of these theories are a crucial way to analyze how society values the freedom of speech. 

The United States is filled with diversity in its culture. Every corner you turn there are people with all different backgrounds, varying ideals, and different outlooks on life. That idea of diversity within our culture is why I believe the most important speech theory to focus on is to “Promote Innovation”, the seventh speech theory. This is the speech theory that resonated the most with me after reviewing the eight values of free expression. As stated in our Media Blog, “A community in which free speech is valued and protected is likely to be a more energized, creative, interesting society as its citizens actively fulfill themselves in many diverse and interesting ways.” This is exactly the idea I have when I think of freedom of expression. 

This speech theory is a basis for our lives and our society. Valuing different opinions and backgrounds to further enhance society as a whole is the foundation of what America stands on. We learn and grow together, as one. To promote innovation is to promote growth. By inspiring people to use their voice to further grow society is how we, as people, can continue to improve our world and our lives. With this idea of speaking our opinions and showing our own cultures to learn and grow as one, there is more that comes into play. Speech theory number eight is to “Protect Dissent”. As stated by the Media Blog, “Our system is not supposed to be one of mob rule. The First Amendment protects minority views, no matter how unpopular. You have a strongly protected right to disagree with the government — and everyone else. In fact, it is your patriotic duty to criticize the government.” Without the permission to criticize the government, we would live in fear of the government. That is not the foundation of the United States. These two speech theories go hand-in-hand with one another. We can not promote innovation by the individual if we can not criticize the government. Innovation is change, and criticism is what ultimately leads to change.

Although of the eight speech theories, some stand out more than others but they they all work together to give reason to how we live our lives. The First Amendment protects all citizens, no matter a person's race, ethnicity, gender, etc. but it also protects people who have differing opinions with others to speak back toward them. This is how our society can grow and flourish. Individuals need these rights to speak their minds and show who they are, to find a place within our world.

Would you want to live in a world where your voice was never heard?

Maddie's Top 5 News Sources

 Apple News

Apple news is my number one News source today. Not only is Apple News at my fingertips at all times, it is also is custom to me. Every day it sends me notifications with top news stories that are recommended to me based on the preferences I filled out when first downloading the app.  But, do not be fooled, although you can fill out preferences of what you want to see, you can still see all news stories posted. It helps to push stories that most interest you, but it does not remove those that may not align perfected with your preferences so you can still check out any story you want. Apple News is reliable, informative, and convenient which is why I labelled it as my top news source. 


Although TikTok is not the most traditional place to get your news, it is a very helpful place to hear about those crazy news stories circulating around social media. As I am scrolling through make-up tutorials and "get ready with me" videos, it is a nice break to see a creator who updates people on what's going on in the real world. It is also a very affective way to get things out to all types of people. Not only is TikTok popular among the young people, but it has caught on to all generations. So the next time you want to see one of the top news stories circulating the internet, narrated to you by one of the many self-proclaimed news reporter- go right on over to TikTok.


CNN is another one of my go-to news sources. It has rapid updates throughout the day on breaking news stories regarding, politics, weather, entertainment, and all things in-between. There is an average of thirty posts per-day on the website, making in an up-to-date source but it isn't flooded with information you do not need. One benefit about CNN is that it covers a broad area of stories, making it something that everyone can find a story to agree with. CNN is a very widely known source, and I choose it because I was introduced to it at a young age, as they have a News channel for students called "CNN Student News" where they show important news stories that are censored in a way to be more appropriate fro kids, leaving out the gruesome details. 

The New York Times

The New York Times is an all time favorite. I have never met someone that did not use The New York Time's website for at least one class project. The website is easy to navigate and find what you're looking for. It also covers all types of news, from articles like "Top 10 Dinner Recipes for a Family of Five" to "Rescuers Reach Moroccan Villages in Mountains as Aid Trickles In." Everyone can find at least one article that they were looking for when visiting their website. One thing about the New York Times that is not consistent with my other three sources listed above, it is available in a paper copy. You can subscribe to have it delivered right to your door!

The Independent

The Independent is a local news paper to my hometown, South Kingstown in Rhode Island. The Independent was my number one news source when I lived at home. The writers would cover all of the hometown stories and a lot of times my friends and I would be featured, it felt like we were celebrities. It spans over three towns, Narraganset, South Kingstown, and North Kingstown- but in true Rhode Island fashion, we knew almost everyone featured. It was a fun way to see what was going on in other towns and also our own! From our High School's football schedule to the community beach clean-up, the Independent covers it all. To anyone looking to find out who some of their "Hometown Heroes" are, check out your local newspaper! 
My friends and I at our senior prom photographed in The Independent.

Final Blog Post- Our Relationship With Technology

Our Relationship With Technology  For me, I find it easier to walk down the street texting on my phone than if I were just looking forward a...